
6 degrees of separation
6 degrees of separation

6 degrees of separation

His initial results weren't promising as only 20 friends joined his group. In November 2007, he created a group on Facebook called Six Degrees and invited all of his friends to join. He wanted to see how connections are made between individuals online (in this case through Facebook). While conducting research for his novel, The Watcher, thriller writer Steve Jackson turned toward the Internet. Since that time, many have tried proving this theory with their own studies and research. Some say the history of this idea dates back to the turn of the 20th century, when Nobel Peace Prize winner Guglielmo Marconi (father of the modern radio) attempted to figure out the number of radio relay stations would be needed to cover the Earth and he came up with an average of 5.83, or the amount of steps everyone on Earth is apart. The background behind the six degrees of separation is broad, depending on which part of the theory you are studying.

6 degrees of separation 6 degrees of separation

The idea behind the six degrees of separation is simple: If a person is one step or relationship away from each individual he or she knows and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the individuals he or she knows, then everyone on Earth is six relationships or less away from each other. About the Theory of Six Degrees of Separation

6 degrees of separation